Denver Reception & Diagnostic Center

Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center


Right next to the Denver Woman’s Correctional Facility: DRDC was established in 1991 and has existed in the province of Denver, Colorado (right-off-of Smith Road) for thirty-one years. DRDC is the first stop, every inmate takes, before entering prison (here in Colorado). The reason being, is because the facilities’ main function is to classify each convicted felon, according to their criminal history, in order to ensure proper custody level placement. However, DRDC is a maximum level prison and does house inmates long-term.


I was relieved to arrive at DRDC because it meant leaving the Arapahoe County Jail. And from the rumors, DRDC (and prison in general) was said to be a lot better than the county jail – which I have come to find out was, with out question, fact. The reason being, is because county jails provide way less freedoms. In prison you are able to buy comfort items like; sweatpants and sweatshirts, along with shoes and shorts (among other things). In addition to paying lower prices for canteen items and phone calls (a ramen soup in 2019 was 23 cents on canteen and one dollar in county).

However, there are similarities to the county jail and DRDC… Much like GP in the county jail, in DRDC you get to experience all custody levels of people (ranging from murders to shoplifters). The environment isn’t too hostile though. From my experience it was somewhat laid back: perhaps people were conserving their energy. Nevertheless, it was and will seem like a break from the county jail environment.   


One of the interesting things about DRDC, is that during the intake process: inmates are required to hear testimonies from other prisoners (that have received life sentences), from what I recall. One of the saddest stories I remember, was the story of a man who accidently shot his wife when he was drunk and received a twenty-plus year sentence. He couldn’t keep from sobbing during his testimony. It was definitely sobering and caused me to remember a time I almost committed the same action.

One night, days after robbing the US Bank for 20,000 dollars, I just came back to our apartment: after drinking heavily at a bar. I had a .380 Taurus, with a defaced serial number (loaded with hollow-point bullets), that I would carry around in my “Speed and Strength” jacket (while riding my Yamaha R6). The gun had no safety, so I would remove the clip, check the chamber and then dry-fire it and put the clip back in. On this night, while intoxicated, I forgot to check the chamber and as I dry-fired the weapon at my wife’s feet (who was standing behind me), the weapon discharged.     


I thank God that he kept my family and I safe, even during my foolish decisions. DRDC, prison, and the county jail should be eye-opening. Unfortunately, it took prison to cause me to take a step back and realize there is something wrong with my lifestyle. In either case, if you find yourself in legal trouble (or on its path): maybe it’s time you should examine yourself and take a look at where your life is heading. Don’t wait until it’s too late, instead consider – Is what you’re doing worth the risk?

Lamentations 3:37-40 states,

“Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come? Why should a living man complain, a man, about the punishment of his sins? Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord!”


In ending, if you have found yourself in detox, the county jail or prison, its never too late to make a change. God didn’t intend for us to do everything alone, that’s why he made man and woman, and sent Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit to help us. It is said that,

“If we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” And that, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

1 John 1:9 and Romans 10:9

Don’t wait, let today be the first day of the rest of your new life – may God Bless you.