A New Lease on Life!

I am absolutely baffled at how things have been going since my release from prison. I don’t know if I have the words to express how things have changed for me but I’ll try. It’s as if, in the past, I was living in a haze or a fog with everything distorted, sort of speak. And now, I can see clearly. Not only that but, literally, every problem that has presented itself has been brought to nothing – in the end. I truly feel as though the troubles from my past wrongs have surfaced just to be squashed at the last minute (almost miraculously).

The Truck from Hell.

I purchased my first “dealership” vehicle back in like 2015, it was a 2005 F-250 6.0 diesel truck. It was sold “as is” with a thirty-day warranty (the interest rate was like 26%) and after dealer fees the price ended up being 12k (far from the sticker price of 8k). I drove it for a month and surprisingly, it stopped running thirty-three days later – conveniently past the warranty coverage. I kept it in the driveway for, approximately, four months – all the while paying, like, 395 a month.

Until, eventually, I decided to have it inspected by a mechanic and discovered that it was going to take, roughly, 4000 dollars to fix. At that point I threw-in-the-towel and surrendered the vehicle (after taking various parts off to sale) – a decision I regretted. Obviously, the lenders tried to recoup the remaining amount of the loan, regardless of the fact that they received the truck back. However, I was absolutely determined not to pay them a dime – so, I dodge all their attempts to reach me.

Eventually, I was served and ordered to appear in court. But all I did was stall until I received my tax refund and then I flaked out again. November 2022, a month after being released from prison, I was served again, seven years later. This time they were attempting to recoup 15k from me for this surrendered truck. Which, being the new and improved Andre, I was prepared to pay, reluctantly. I’ll be honest, I was anxious but this time I asked for help – instead of relying solely on myself. I prayed to Jesus and asked him to let his will be done and to help me accept and endure whatever the outcome would be.

Answered Prayer.

Incredibly enough, I was able to file all the motions myself, without legal representation, and negotiate a settlement of three thousand and eighty dollars! The awesome thing is that I was told, by an attorney that I reached out to for a quote, that I’d, at the least, have to pay 5000. God had other plans though, and because I was able to settle, my credit score jumped up fifty points! Before prison, my score was, roughly, 520 or lower. Now – by God’s grace, and thanks to my beautiful wife, I have a 728!

If that was it that would be cool but no… I was also under the impression that because of a DUI I received in 2012, I was required to have interlock on my vehicle for two years. I was told this at Camp George West, by my case manager who reached out to the DMV for me. However, today, after getting SR22 insurance, paying a reinstatement fee of ninety-five dollars, and having multiple failed attempts to have interlock installed on our vehicle, I just discovered that all I need to do is take the drivers test again and I’ll have my license – free and clear!

This may not sound like a big deal, to most, but let me give some perspective… I haven’t had a normal drivers license since 2012, and I haven’t driven a car legally since 2013! Seriously, the list goes on and on, and I’m not just saying that. I’ve only been home for three months!

Blessings on Blessings on Blessings!

We have a 2014 Chevy Malibu, in immaculate condition, after our 1999 Subaru Outback broke a timing belt. Which my wife and I both agree, was God’s way of moving us out of our own way in order to bring in something better. The fact that we’re driving a newish car is proof enough, for those who know us, because we’re always in older vehicles. Moreover, I’ve been blessed with a job making twenty-four dollars an hour at UPS, when both Amazon and Fed-ex refused to hire me because of my record.

God’s favor is overflowing on my life, and the only difference is that I believe and that I pray and ask for help and I give thanks for all He does! Mathew 6:33-34 has new meaning to me now, as I’m actually living it! Jesus said,

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Take it from a man who committed, countless, crimes, was against God because he was afraid to let go of his sin, who had no loyalty in him and couldn’t hold down a job to save his life – not to mention, who was a raging alcoholic who lost, countless, friends (who were too embarrassed to be seen with him). Life is SO much better now that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! I use to be so angry inside, I was full of hate and, ultimately, suffering. Now I’m made aware, each new day, how blessed I am to have a gorgeous wife who is crazy about me, who has an awesome family that loves me, with a beautiful baby boy (I’m so proud of) who just continues to shock me each new day, while living in peace with my mom and sister.

You can too.

I sit here as I write with tears in my eyes, knowing full well that I don’t deserve any of this. If Jesus treats a guy like me this good, imagen how well He will treat you. Which brings me to my final point… Although, you may be, absolutely, convinced that you have it all figured out, are you seriously unwilling to even try a new way of living? Are you going to be that stubborn? I know I was… Respectfully, is whatever delusion you have chosen to adopt, worth the misery and pain you’ll receive now and for eternity!?

In my youth I use to think that I had to get all of the wrong out of my system before I sought a path of good. Which was so dumb, flat-out. The bible says,

“The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

Romans 13:12

Simply put – evil is played out.

Living right or righteously, comes with so many advantages – as opposed to living wickedly. Why waste another breath of air, you can’t make, on disappointed sighs brought about by poor life decisions. I have joy, each new day, which I didn’t have before (especially without booze). And even if you think I believe in a fairy-tale, wouldn’t it be worth joining in – if it meant you could have joy too? Isn’t that what all the self-help/motivational seminars are about? Think on it. In the meantime, praise Jesus Christ, I can’t imagen living without Him!

Thanks for reading, God bless!